Waiting is never easy I was just reminded of an article I read online 4 years ago while looking for godly views on the subject of waiting on God for a husband. As a 24 years old spirit filled lady I doubt I wanted to marry at that time (I always had my heart at 27) but understood the importance of having prior information from believers. A question was asked on the forum “Which Is Harder To Wait For; A Husband Or A Child?” I had no business waiting on God for a child then but I could relate with the husband part. So I started reading the long thread of experiences of Christian ladies in or past their prime who had been praying for husbands, some had ministry responsibilities and could not understand why their dedication goes unseen, a few women held their last straw. Those who were married on other hand argued it was more difficult to wait for a child pressure is increased from both sides of the family, you also had to pray for your spouse to be strong for you when new couples...