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Showing posts from July 31, 2016


‘’All these old people no dey hear word, government even suppose create new law wen go make old person dey inside house, if dem dey cross express or beg make police catch them go back to their house’’ I hear as a bus driver angrily shouts at a stunned elderly woman they had just pulled from beneath a car right in front of me. Ok let’s start at the beginning. If you are familiar with crossing crowd at both sides of Second Rainbow –Mile 2 bus stops in Lagos then you must understand how wild it usually is. This morning I needed to get to CMS so I crossed the express towards the free service lane where I catwalk to the bus park. But, before I could take the last step I heard a screech and few paces away is this elderly woman being pulled from under the same car. Where had she come from so fast? She wasn’t hurt but had to sit out the shock on the dividing pavement. So, what if there is reason to ensuring elderly people are safe at home and not under car tires as the man suggested.


To know wisdom, instruction and to understand words of insight let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance. Were you not instructed not to forsake the instructions of our father and the teachings of our mother be used as a garland for your head and as pendant for your neck? When sinners come with enticement and plot to lie in wait for blood, are you not strong enough to refuse consent and flee from such worthless and wicked persons you call acquaintances, or did you not take counsel from our father when He said the man filled with crooked speech, the one who winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, points with his finger and whose heart devise evils, will have calamity come on him in a moment that he is beyond healing?   Now I laugh at your calamity, terror strikes and I mock you now. Distress and anguish has come upon your flesh and body because you heard and refused to heed, your complacency is now your woe. Do you now wonder where