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Showing posts from August 24, 2014


What’s it with people committing suicide or purposefully engaging in vices that are harmful to them? We hear its depression. It becomes worrisome when people find themselves in such position and the only best thing to do is just end it by taking their own lives. The surprise is immense mostly when a celebrity dies of depression, people are left to wonder why and how victims with exemplary lives of encouragement, and motivation to people around them could have ended so sadly. Their spur-of-the-moment condolence messages and prayers are tinted with regret and inadequacies of friends and family members left behind that paid little attention to the deceased. Wrongly assuming families, friends and acquaintances are doing well and forgetting to stay in touch only to be notified of their demise. Sadly it happens so often around us but not as publicized as when public personalities are lost in the same manner Here are a few tips about depression.