What’s it with people committing suicide or purposefully engaging in vices that are harmful to them? We hear its depression. It becomes worrisome when people find themselves in such position and the only best thing to do is just end it by taking their own lives. The surprise is immense mostly when a celebrity dies of depression, people are left to wonder why and how victims with exemplary lives of encouragement, and motivation to people around them could have ended so sadly. Their spur-of-the-moment condolence messages and prayers are tinted with regret and inadequacies of friends and family members left behind that paid little attention to the deceased. Wrongly assuming families, friends and acquaintances are doing well and forgetting to stay in touch only to be notified of their demise. Sadly it happens so often around us but not as publicized as when public personalities are lost in the same manner
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. Depressed people can feel
· Sad, anxious,
empty, hopeless, worried,
helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless.

· They may also have problems concentrating,
remembering details, or making decisions.
· May contemplate, attempt, or commit suicide. Insomnia,
excessive sleeping,
fatigue, loss of energy, or aches.
Depressed mood is not always a psychiatric disorder. It may also be a normal reaction to certain life events, a symptom of some medical conditions, a nutritional deficiency or a side effect of some drugs or medical treatments.
Life event
While depression
is considered a cause of sizeable number of deaths in the western world, some
of the causes may not be similar to other regions of the world. For instance
while bullying or traumatizing events that took place in childhood might be a
cause of depression which can result to suicide in the U.S, in some other
regions like Africa, bullying might not result to the extent which suicide
would be attempted.
Most related
causes are certain life events and changes that may precipitate depressed mood
include financial difficulties, job problems, a medical diagnosis of terminal
illness (cancer, HIV, etc.), death of a loved one, loss of property, natural
disasters, social isolation, relationship troubles, jealousy, separation, and injury
resulting from fatal accidents.
Depressed mood may not require any professional treatment, and may be a normal reaction to certain life events as earlier mentioned, a symptom of some medical conditions, or a side effect of some drugs or medical treatments. A prolonged depressed mood, especially in combination with other symptoms, may lead to a diagnosis of a psychiatric or medical condition, which may benefit from treatment. Different sub-divisions of depression have different treatment approaches.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: if you ever find yourself feeling isolated, alone and uninterested in activities, you can engage in exercises. Exercise allows individuals to improve their health while building new relationships with others. Group activities can lower depression by increasing depressed individuals’ ability to interact with others. Exercise also increases individuals’ self-confidence by promoting social skills that people with depression often lack and interrupts the cycle of isolation from the general population that can further increase depression. Exercise fosters non-demanding behaviors while allowing people to socialize and identify themselves as part of the general population.
Women are more prone to depression and this could be explained by gender roles and norms attached to those roles. Women are expected to care for family and friends, but without strong, stable supportive relationships they are more susceptible to depressive symptoms
You can be better for your family and friend, take some time to visit loved one, plan vacations or engaged in some social activities that eliminate being alone. Show affection by taking considerable time from busy schedules, observe physical and mental changes in moods and behavior, ask questions about what concerns them, provide help and give emotional encouragement. Also consider praying for those who go through situations like this. Keeping in touch and showing love might just be the only thing that could save the life of loved ones.
Lifestyle strategies that may improve depressed mood include wake therapy, light therapy, eating a healthy diet, meditation, exercise.
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