I remember the first time I heard that “God doesn't want us asking Him for miracles all the time” in my mind I was like “hold up, hold up” that is not true, God wants to do great things in our lives, supernatural things for that matter so He gives us miracles. Isn't it so?
Miracles are God’s intervention in man’s seemingly dire situations; it is that supernatural alteration of a man’s physical, spiritual or material position which left unchanged will lead to the destruction of a person. So, Yes we get miracles but God’s will is that you would extricate from His word all His grace and blessings such that you are not in the position to need any intervention.
Miracles are a sure sign for unbelievers to see the wondrous workings of a great and mighty God wrought by the hands of all his children (Yup, that means You ought to bring about the miracles for others) to inspire belief and mental confirmation of the existent of a supreme God which will bring about their own salvation.
God loves to see us reigning in life so He stops at nothing to bring about the desires of His beloved children (when they ask in prayer) even when we are yet to fully learn of the higher level of the supernatural life we have in Christ Jesus.
So strive to be in health instead of desiring healing, to remain in prosperity instead of constant financial pressure and reach out as a giver, meeting the needs of those that need help instead of always struggling to receive something.
You don't have to be extremely rich to help others, knowing that your measure of wealth is not in your physical possession.
I just love God’s Miracles; they inspire and uplift. If you need a miracle first search the bible, there is definitely a word to fill you with so much faith to reveal your gift wrapped miracle.
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